Monday, 2 January 2012

Basic Fun

There is not too much to this recipe, but as a basic starter for self-sploshing fun, I would say it is ideal.

Ingredients & Equipment

+ 2 tins or 2 cups of fresh custard (usually around the 500ml size)
+ 2 tubs of plain yoghurt (usually around the 500ml size)
+ 2 litre jug
+ (optional) small container
+ (optional) suitably gooey cake [cheap 'gateux' in the frozen section, after being defrosted, are good]


1) Warm the custard in the microwave [1 minute, stir, 1 more minute]
2) Pour all/(optional) most of the custard into the 2 litre jug, and add all the yoghurt to this
3) (optional) Put a small bit of the custard into a separate small container
4) (optional) Place the gooey cake on your chosen place of sitting


1) (optional) Plant your face into the gooey cake, and immediately pour the separate small container of custard over the back of your head
2) (optional) Now sit in the gooey cake
3) Pour the contents of the 2 litre jug over your head
4) Enjoy :o)